Nothing feels better than being in shape. Not only can it work wonders your confidence, but it can also help you manage your stress levels. Unfortunately, many people think that getting in shape means expensive gym equipment, costly spin classes, and pricey organic food. Whether you’re training for a race or you just want to feel a little better every day, it really is possible to achieve your fitness goals with nothing more than some budget-friendly fitness apps and the comfort of your own home.

You can take your training even further by adding a smartwatch to your arsenal of fitness tech. Popular smartwatches work well with a wide variety of fitness apps to give you more freedom over your workouts and training sessions. The Apple Watch, for example, boasts a heart rate sensor, a gyroscope, and a stylish watch band. Similarly, the Fitbit Versa is functional as both a fitness tracker and a smartwatch, and features sleep tracking to help you get adequate rest between workouts. Of course, smartwatches have many uses beyond working out; you can also use them to receive email notifications, alerts about upcoming meetings or events, and for taking notes about how you want to improve your workout.

Beside budget-friendly apps, there are many other great ways to get in shape without putting a hole in your wallet. For example, consider taking a daily multivitamin to fill nutritional gaps in your diet, keep your digestive system happy, and give your mood a boost. Multivitamins work great alongside a healthy lifestyle. Prioritizing sleep, meal-prepping, making time for relaxation, and removing unhealthy snacks from your home are some other easy and affordable ways to support your health.


According to Lifewire, Run Keeper is a fitness tracking app for anyone who runs, walks, or hikes. The app uses GPS to track your routes and provides statistics about each workout session—including how fast and far you ran—which makes it great for tracking progress over time. You can even review your map during your run or hike, so you can avoid getting lost when trying new routes.

Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K is a running plan designed to help people make the move from a sedentary lifestyle to an active one in which they can run for 5 kilometers (3.1 miles). These kinds of running programs are ideal for new runners since it’s common for beginners to push themselves too hard—this can zap your confidence and make it harder to reach your activity goals. Training apps are great for guiding you through this program. According to T3, Couch to 5K is the best running app for beginners due to its gentle learning curve. The app takes you through a nine-week running program that slowly ramps up the intensity as your fitness levels improve, and includes a selection of coaches to motivate you through each session.

Sworkit Fitness Builder

If you’re looking to build muscle, try apps that provide workouts and exercise plans. For example, Sworkit is an at-home fitness app that helps you build circuit workouts based on your desired exercise types and targets. You can customize these workouts by adjusting the length and the timing for reps and rest periods. Sworkit will also show you animations of each exercise along with audio commentary to help you perfect your form.

Simply Yoga

Yoga works great as a cool-down stretching routine after runs and workout sessions. If you could use a little guidance, get a few good yoga apps. Why pay good money for a yoga class when you can learn beneficial poses in the comfort of your own home? Simply Yoga, for example, will guide you through a variety of sessions that range from 20 minutes to an hour. While the app does include some free content, paying for the full version will let you access even more workouts and create custom routines.

Don’t let the costs of getting fit keep you from going after the healthy body you deserve. Free and low-cost apps can help you get in shape and stay on track without spending a lot of money. Turn your phone into your own personal trainer and see just how quickly you can reach your fitness goals.

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